Take look at

Our services

Automated Savings

Build a dedicated savings faster on your terms automatically or manually

Easy and fast answer

Quick response and 24hours chatbot available.

No additional papers

Our one time verification is all you need for a GO.

Secure and Flexible services

Deposit, save, transfer, withdraw, manage and organise your money for free at any time.

Good investments

Good investment returns.

Accumulation goals

Easy accumulation goal. sealedvaultbank offers that and more.

Bold desing and beyound

Easy and Fast credits

Stay prepared for emergencies

Give your emergency funds a boost! we know the emergencies can happen anytime and with an already invested money, building an emergency capital is made easier...With sealedvaultbanking system, you can have an available funds for crisis. Plus your interest.


$1000 non the spot

Putting money away for the future is samrt but it takes discipline - something most humans lack and few dont have in abundance. Technology is being used to solve that by automating deposit saving. All that is needed is a directive from user to set auto deposit and saving.
How Fast is sealedvaultbank?

Since the era of the internet and technology transactions have been made easier. sealedvaultbank runs entirely on your phones, laptops and computers with the aid of internet connection.

Overdrafts is given, and you'll be eligible if you use sealedvaultbank.

Once you sign up with all requested information, you will be asked if you are to choose a local or a regional account. it is also based on your financial capability.

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